From a very young age, there's always some sense of magic when you see or experience something for the very first time. Watching someone chewing gum and suddenly blow a...
Imgur Whenever you think of a chicken, you don't normally consider it to be a warm, personal, and nurturing kind...
This adorable kitten just saw himself for the first time. His reaction? PRICELESS! Watch the video below to see just...
When very young, babies can often be completely unaware of the fur-siblings that also inhabit their home. As they get...
I don't know about you but I love cats! But there is one breed of cats that I have ALWAYS...
The Cat House on the Kings is California's largest no-cage, no-kill, lifetime cat sanctuary and adoption center. This non-profit organization...
Sometimes, you just need some real-time kitten play to watch. Thanks to modern technology, you can now watch cats play...