These adorable Great Danes are born with a mission: to be the greatest service dogs possible. They spend their time in loving, caring environments where they're carefully taught all the in's and out's of life as a service animal.
Puppy Hill
Puppy Hill is a training area where Great Dane pups learn the ropes of what it takes to be a fantastic service dog. Not only is it a fun and exciting environment, but it's also highly educational.
Nursery Room
In the nursery, the little puppies are nurtured, loved, and cared for. They stay here with their mother until they are old enough to begin their training.
Service Dog Training Arena
After they've received the allotted time of training, they're ready to be taken to their new home where they'll love and care for their forever family! If you love watching live footage like this, check out our other live videos by clicking "NEXT PAGE" below.