A woman in Lakewood, Washington is looking for a little boy named Jake. Jake left a note and $5 at...
Sometimes working from home has its perks! Other times it has its challenges. Like when your children get used to...
Welcoming new life into the world is one of life's most precious moments. It's a time you can never revisit...
On a warm, sunny California day, four-year-old Jeremy was outside quietly riding his bicycle in the driveway. It was a...
Dogs are magnificent on so many different levels. Their unique genetic makeup and their lovable, protective spirit are just a...
It's a well-known fact that pets seriously make life 1000000 times better. Their upbeat personalities, their adoring glances, their hilarious...
This is the kind of thing that makes a parent's heart swell with joy. When you watch your one and...
Kids say the darnedest things. Their sweet innocence and curiosity is beyond adorable. It's so much fun to watch their...
In this day and age, people agree on almost nothing. One of the ONLY things that people of all kinds...
The birth of a new child is one of the most exciting moments in life. You spend nine months preparing...