Pretzel, named for her twisted up legs, is living proof of the power of love. Pretzel and her two siblings...
When people found a homeless German Shepherd living near a medical clinic they knew exactly who to call! Eldad and...
When beachgoers in Chatham, Massachusetts set out for a day in the sun they were not expecting to find a...
When a rescue team in India received a call about a critically injured puppy, they dropped everything and set out...
In Los Angeles, California there are many dogs without a home; simply wandering the streets looking for food, water and...
Darius Sasnauskas looked out his window one morning to see an amazing sight! A Doe and her two fawns trotting...
Hope for Paws, the same rescue that saved the nine puppies in The Most Epic Puppy Rescue Ever story has...
Police officers are ordered to serve and protect. They are to serve and protect ALL who are in need, right? Even...
Some people are dog people and some people are REALLY dog people! When visiting a shelter many people wish that...
One day near Cat Island, in the central Bahamas, 3 brave souls pulled off a spectacular rescue. Cat Island is...