These Twin Toddlers Recreating Frozen Is The Most Adorable Thing Ever

Most everyone has seen Frozen...maybe a few hundred times.

These cute twins totally make it worth watching again!


Maddie and Scarlett love the movie! They've watched it enough that they can recreate scenes without any help.

Mom, Colleen, recorded them and posted it to Facebook, where it's already gone viral!

The girls are almost two years old and could totally play Anna and Elsa in the next Frozen.

Here's the clip from Frozen:

Maddie and Scarlett follow the scene along perfectly and it's the cutest thing ever!

Their little jumps and laughs are so adorable.

Check out their recreation here:

Oh my gosh! I can't even!

What do you think of Maddie and Scarlett? SHARE their cuteness on your Facebook page!
