At just 2 weeks old these Maltipoo pups are opening their eyes and taking in their surroundings. They just don't...
There's something to be said about the bond between a dog and his/her owner. The phrase "man's best friend" is...
It's easy to fall into a rut with weekend plans. Your often find yourself doing the same things over and...
Willow is an incredibly adorable purebred Neapolitan Mastiff. A few weeks after she was born, her owner noticed something about...
Eldad Hagar, the founder of Hope For Paws , a non-profit animal rescue in CA, never thought he would be digging into...
I'm quite certain puppies are sent straight from heaven. Their little eyes, teeny paws, and innocent behaviors make them irresistible!...
Though our pets are trying to win over our hearts on a daily basis. In return, they need us to...
Dogs can often be like an open book. They wear their emotions on their sleeve, or should I say fur!...
Every dog deserves a loving home. Sometimes well intended animal owners get in situations out of their control. That's what...